Category: Dance
Event: B
B is a new duet from GerrardMartinDance which deals with issues around being Black and same-gender loving – exploring masculinity, intimacy, identity and what it is to ‘B’ our true selves.
Read: Uncle D’s Dilemmas – Dating app or the club?
Meet Mr Right (or Mr Right Now) on an app, or at the club? Read Uncle D’s latest dilemma
BlackOut UK Lounge Launched in Brixton!
On Friday 7th July, we gathered Upstairs at the Ritzy in Brixton to party, to celebrate Pride and to launch the BlackOut Lounge.
Read: Watch This Space – Malik Nashad Sharpe
Keep creating spaces to be unapologetic about who you are and what you want. Destroy stuff if you need to.
Dance: DJ Sydney UltraOmni – English Breakfast London BlackoutUK: English Breakfast London is tearing up London’s scene – what’s the secret of your success? Sydney: Well, it has really been a labour of love that Jay Jay Revlon and I put out there. I think our night stands out as we’re two young, black queer people who put on the evening for…