Category: Introducing BlackOut UK

  • Watch: Let’s end HIV together

    On World Aids Day 2017, BlackOutUK issues a call for us to work together to end HIV. Join the conversation

  • Apply: Your voices, your platform

    We are excited to announce our latest initiative – Project BlackoutUK London, a unique opportunity to build connections with a diverse group of black queer/gay/bi/sgl creative men in London, create a shared platform for your voices, build your skills, knowledge, profile and networks, and develop a new way of building communities in which black queer…

  • Taking stock

    Taking stock

    6 months since our launch, what do you think of BlackoutUK? Get in contact, let us know

  • Create: The world we want to see

    Create: The world we want to see

    I believe that black gay men have a unique life experience that can teach others empathy, humanity, tolerance and understanding. Instead of trying to ‘fit in’, black gay men should strive to ‘stand out’, and help to create the world that we want to see.

  • Read: BlackOut Launched in London

    Read: BlackOut Launched in London

    They and you affirm what we know; there is a strong appetite for spaces to engage in conversations that celebrate, protect, save and ultimately serve Black gay men in all our diversity

  • Event: In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue – a celebration

    Event: In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue – a celebration

    Black Out UK presents an evening of performances, music, conversation, and connections to mark the UK release of the highly acclaimed Black gay coming-of-age film Moonlight.

  • Read: But wait . . . did he just call me ‘Daddy?

    Read: But wait . . . did he just call me ‘Daddy?

    I never really got the ‘Daddy’ thing. I generally dated guys who were of a similar age to me while looking to older black gay men as potential mentors; gathering hints as to how to navigate growing up in a racist, hetero-sexist, unequal city. Looking for clues as to how my life might be in…

  • WATCH: #Speechless Series No.4 ‘No where are you really from?’

    WATCH: #Speechless Series No.4 ‘No where are you really from?’

    The #SpeechlessSeries is a space for BlackoutUK contributors to provoke a conversation that challenges the silence. Here Rob Berkeley wishes that there was an easier answer to the ‘where are you from?’ question. “The writer trapped among a speechless people is in danger of becoming speechless himself. For then he has no mirror, no corroborations of…