Category: Introducing BlackOut UK
Watch: Let’s end HIV together
On World Aids Day 2017, BlackOutUK issues a call for us to work together to end HIV. Join the conversation
Event: In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue – a celebration
Black Out UK presents an evening of performances, music, conversation, and connections to mark the UK release of the highly acclaimed Black gay coming-of-age film Moonlight.
Read: But wait . . . did he just call me ‘Daddy?
I never really got the ‘Daddy’ thing. I generally dated guys who were of a similar age to me while looking to older black gay men as potential mentors; gathering hints as to how to navigate growing up in a racist, hetero-sexist, unequal city. Looking for clues as to how my life might be in…
WATCH: #Speechless Series No.4 ‘No where are you really from?’
The #SpeechlessSeries is a space for BlackoutUK contributors to provoke a conversation that challenges the silence. Here Rob Berkeley wishes that there was an easier answer to the ‘where are you from?’ question. “The writer trapped among a speechless people is in danger of becoming speechless himself. For then he has no mirror, no corroborations of…