Category: Pride Heroes
It’s Not Black History Month if it doesn’t include Black Queer folk . . .Did you think there wouldn’t be a test? There’s always a test!
PRIDE: Challenge like David Kato (1964 – 2011)
While Pride in London and UK Black Pride are over for 2018, we’ve not stopped celebrating those who inspire us all year #BlackOutAndProud
PRIDE: Organise Like Bayard Rustin (1912-1987)
While Pride in London and UK Black Pride are over for 2018, we’ve not stopped celebrating those who inspire us all year #BlackOutAndProud
PRIDE: Be Real Like Sylvester James Jr. (1947-1988)
Like Sylvester we appreciate the importance of music and dancing to our cultures and will continue to support and create black queer spaces where we have the freedom to ‘be real’.
Pride: Write like Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
Turning our inspiration into action #Pride2018 Langston Hughes ‘Poet Laureate of the Negro Race’
Pride: Think like Audre Lorde (1934-1992)
Before she died, Audre Lorde in an African naming ceremony took the name Gambda Adisa, meaning ‘Warrior: She Who Makes Her Meaning Known’
Pride: Fight like Marsha P Johnson (1945-1992)
Marsha’s activism highlights for us the ‘heavy-lifting’ in our movement by those who are ‘never straight’