Category: Visual Arts
event: for black men who brunch
Join us for a brand new monthly event that will be shaped for us, by us. Starting this holiday season with a taster event to bring some realness to break up the Christmas schmaltz. The arguments in favour of Brunch are incontestable. In the first place it renders early rising not only unnecessary but ridiculous…
read: windrush – a collection shared
An exceptional tale and example – Dirg Aab-Richards, protecting and sharing our heritage
VIEW: Seen on Scene: Black Boy Joy @ Pride
We invited fashion photographer Benjamin Glean to use his considerable skills to capture images of Black queer men at UK Black Pride earlier this month, to kick off our new feature, Seen on Scene.
Introducing ‘Seen on Scene’: #Visibility Matters
Introducing ‘Seen on Scene’ – Visibility matters but raises questions that are too rarely asked – whose visibility? Visible to who? Visible for what? Is vanity enough?
view: Orange File
In 2003 when Lius was subject to a vicious homophobic attack in a London street, he thought he might die. Very much alive, for Pride2019 he responds; with beauty – Orange File
Create: Design BlackOut’s Pride 2019 T-shirt and win!!
Black queer men, get your thinking caps on, get drawing, and submit your t-shirt design to as a digital image (photo, scanned drawing, graphic) by noon Fri 31st May
Read: Remembering Pasuka; celebrating us
David McAlmont’s lecture was a fitting memorial to the legacy of Berto Pasuka, and at the same time a paean to the beauty, complexity and humanity of contemporary Black British queer men and their lives