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48 Hours of Invincibility – Hackney


The barber swept the nylon cape off with a flourish and brushed the short hairs from his neck. He nodded his approval as the hand mirror was waved behind him so he could check the fade from the back. Without speaking, he fished in his pocket, handed the barber a note, made for the door and stepped out onto Mare St. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the kebab shop window as he headed for home. He remembered hearing that a good haircut gives you 48 hours of invincibility. He could do with that more now than ever . . .

. . . Insert your story here

Do you live, work or play in the London Borough of Hackney?

We’re working with Hackney Pride 365 and Hackney Museum to develop a project amplifying the experiences of black gay/bi/SGL/queer men.

We want to work with the real stories of black queer men in Hackney to create a 5-part web-series, based on the fictionalised experiences of black queer men from Hackney, all linked by a barber’s chair. Covering racism, homophobia, friendship, sex, work and love, the oral histories of black queer men from Hackney will be the springboard for 5 dramatisations that will be published online and used as part of an active campaign of events and dissemination to engage decision-makers, young black people, and gay men in Hackney in discussion and debate about tackling homophobia and racism; amplifying the voices of black queer men in a manner that is safe, supported and authentic.

There are two ways that you can help

  1. Insert your story – if you identify as a black man who is gay/bi/SGL/queer who lives, works or plays in Hackney contact us to record an oral history
  2. Amplify – black gay/bi/SGL/queer writers, directors, film-makers, producers, communications experts, funders, philanthropists and activists get in touch; help us make this project happen

Email: or fill in the form below

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