In Stubble Troy sought solace in the arms of a stranger . . .
I was in Tesco minding my own business, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and a “Eh gurl”
It was Carlton, also known as the ‘News of the World’ because he loved to chat people’s business.
He was wearing a long black woollen coat with matching hat.
“How’s Alex” he smiled, knowing full well that me and Alex were over.
“Carlton, I’ve told you a thousand times that I’m no longer with Alex”
“Shame” he said looking me up and down.”You two were cute together”
He then proceeded to tell me about the latest Janelle Monae video, and started to show me the dance moves right there in the fruit and veg aisle. It was at this point that my mind drifted off, and I thought back to my last night of drama with Alex . . .
ALEX: Put the light out
TROY: In a minute
TROY: Guess what?
ALEX: What?
TROY: No guess
ALEX: Guess what?
TROY: Who do you think is getting married?
ALEX: I don’t know
TROY: You’re not trying, guess?
ALEX: It’s easy
TROY: Who?
ALEX: Prince Harry, the ginger Prince
TROY: Wrong!
ALEX: Who then?
TROY: Guess?
ALEX: Guess yourself, I need some sleep
TROY: Marlon
ALEX: Marlon? Marlon Jeffrey?
TROY: The very same
ALEX: Serious?
TROY: Yass!
ALEX: Don’t say Yaas, you know I don’t like it
TROY: Proper full on civil partnership
ALEX: Fancy that
ALEX: I thought we agreed no scratch cards in bed
TROY: I’m doing them on the newspaper (beat) so what do you think of that?
ALEX: I just wish you wouldn’t do them in the bedroom
TROY: No, I mean what do you think of Marlon getting married?
ALEX: I’m surprised
TROY: I love a wedding! Chance to dress up, party down eat their food
ALEX: Who is he getting married to?
TROY: Dwayne
ALEX: The one who always wears sunglasses?
ALEX: There’s something not right about someone who wears sunglasses at night
TROY: Shit!
ALEX: What?
TROY: I had two £250,000’s then I scratched £25
ALEX: Shame! Now put the light out, I’ve got an early start
TROY: You’ve always got an early start! There are other things we can do in bed you know
ALEX: What like scratch cards?
I dig Alex in the ribs
TROY: Didn’t you used to go out with Marlon?
TROY: I heard you did
ALEX: It was just a thing
TROY: Really?
ALEX: Yes really, now put the freakin light out
I sigh, and put the scratch cards and newspaper down on the bedside cabinet. I use a wipe to clean my hands then moisturise them before putting the light out and cuddling into Alex
TROY: I didn’t know Marlon was your type. We look nothing alike
ALEX: I don’t just date the same guys you know
TROY: How long was your thing with Marlon?
ALEX: It’s late
He kisses me
ALEX: Good night, see you in the morning
ALEX: Troy, get your hand off it
TROY: Don’t you want to fool around a bit?
TROY: It will help you sleep
ALEX: I said no, I’ve set the alarm for 6
TROY: Would you still do Marlon?
ALEX: What is wrong with you?
TROY: He’s fit, they both are
ALEX: How do you know?
TROY: I see them
ALEX: Where?
TROY: In the showers?
ALEX: (Shocked) what?
TROY: At the gym
ALEX: Oh! Do you talk to them?
TROY: Sometimes
ALEX: You never mentioned it
TROY: There was nothing to mention until they told me about the wedding
TROY: Do you remember what it was like fooling around with Marlon?
ALEX: Alex is now in a deep sleep, and can no longer hear your stupidness
TROY: I bet they’re both having sex right now
ALEX: What the hell’s got into you? What part of “I want to sleep” don’t you understand?
TROY: The part where you speak to me like a child
ALEX: Well if you’d shut up I wouldn’t have to speak to you
TROY: You shut up!
ALEX: (Raising his voice) Right
Alex sits up and puts the light on
ALEX: I know how you get, here put your hand on it!
Be quick!
TROY: I don’t want to now
ALEX: Troy you’re making me vex
TROY: I don’t want to when you’re all vex, and your face is push up, push up
ALEX: (Raising his voice) can we just sleep!
TROY: I don’t know who you think you’re raising your voice to
ALEX: Sorry, let’s just cuddle. I’ll set the alarm for 5.30 and we’ll have some fun in the morning
ALEX: Troy?
TROY: I’m only trying to tell you about Marlon, and you’re getting all vexed up in my face
ALEX: I said I’m sorry
TROY: I’ve never seen him so happy. He said the reason him, and Dwayne had such a good relationship now is because it’s based on trust
ALEX: I should hope so if they’re getting married
TROY: He said they’ve arrived at a special place where they’re always open and honest
ALEX: Good for them
TROY: Open, as in they have an open relationship
ALEX: Oh, (dawning realisation) oh, as in
ALEX: Interesting!
TROY: Is that all you’re going to say?
ALEX: Lots of couples have open relationships
TROY: We don’t
ALEX: No, we don’t but this isn’t about us
TROY: He was raving about how the trust has taken away a lot of tension
ALEX: All relationships should have trust
TROY: I know! I’m just saying
ALEX: Is that all you’re saying?
TROY: Is there nothing else you want to say about it?
ALEX: Not unless there’s something about it that interests you?
ALEX: Are you trying to say without saying what I think you’re saying?
TROY: I’m trying to discuss it
ALEX: There’s nothing to discuss
TROY: Alex you know I love you all the way but maybe….
ALEX: So, you’ve been thinking about it?
TROY: What we have is great but maybe it could be even better
ALEX: Why are you releasing this on me? Are you asking for an open relationship?
TROY: I’m asking for a discussion
TROY: No, you can’t or no you won’t?
ALEX: I’m going to sleep on the couch
TROY: Typical Alex, do what you always do, and run away when things get real
ALEX: Fuck off Troy
Alex gets out of bed and makes for the door
TROY: If you leave this bedroom I’ll…..
ALEX: (Angrily) you’ll what?
TROY: You see; I can’t even talk to you when you’re like this
ALEX: Why are you doing this?
TROY: If you loved me or had any respect for this relationship . . . You’d stay and talk!
ALEX: What for? I’m happy as we are! But if you’re not, I’m not forcing you to be here
I laugh
ALEX: Is this funny to you?
TROY: I’m not laughing at you. It’s something Marlon said. I asked him how he knew, how he really knew that an open relationship was right for him, and he said;
“Everyone’s got to eat but we don’t all need to eat at the same time or from the same table”
Isn’t that a strange thing to say?
ALEX: Sex is not like eating food?
TROY: Does it really matter who we have sex with as long as we’re honest about it?
ALEX: Is this who you are now? God, what happened to the Troy I fell in love with?
TROY: He’s here trying to communicate with you
ALEX: What we have is not something I want to share with every Tom, Dick and Harry
TROY: It’s both our relationship, not just yours
ALEX: How long have you felt like this?
TROY: A while
ALEX: How longs a while?
TROY: Since talking to Marlon
ALEX: So why didn’t you say something?
TROY: I’m trying to now, I’ve tried numerous times
ALEX: I never noticed
TROY: Exactly
ALEX: So, what it’s my fault now?
TROY: I didn’t mean that
ALEX: It’s not my fault you want to whore it out
TROY: (Hurt) I can’t believe you just said that. Go and sleep on the couch Alex, I’m not going to have a knocked down drag out fight with you
ALEX: Is there someone else?
ALEX: Has there ever been anyone else?
ALEX: Then why now, what have I done?
TROY: I just got triggered after talking with Marlon. It really shook me up, and it got me thinking. Imagine you see a really hot guy, and I’m out of town or I’m not feeling like sex. You would be able to weigh up the situation, without discussing it with me, and decide if you wanted to sleep with him
ALEX: As a one off?
ALEX: What if I wanted it to be more than a one off?
TROY: Then, we’d need to negotiate. That’s the important part
ALEX: So, one off I don’t discuss it, more than once, I do?
TROY: Something like that
ALEX: You don’t seem sure
TROY: Every situation is going to be different
ALEX: I’m tired. I’m gonna feel like shit in the morning (beat) I feel like shit now
TROY: Sorry
TROY: Let’s not sleep apart; we can work this out
ALEX: You’re assuming I want to
TROY: Don’t you?
TROY: Alex?
TROY: Maybe you should think about everything I’ve said. I’ve tried to give you space to be open and honest. Marlon didn’t just tell me about the wedding or that they have an open relationship. He also told me that you, and him are still fuck buddies
Troy Blackout
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