Watch this space introduces new faces and new voices. This month we meet up-and-coming rapper Karnage
BlackoutUK: Who is Karnage?
Karnage: If I had to sum Karnage up in a sentence, I’d say that he’s a psycho serial killer with amazing talent. *Laughs* but like every serial killer, he has a story to tell. At times he’s crazy and rambunctious, but he’s also sensitive and emotional. I refer to him as a different person because I don’t feel like myself when I rap. It’s as if I embody this whole new persona.
B: Where are you from?
K: I’m from north London, have been my whole life.
B: No *laughs* where are you really from?
K: Well my family are Caribbean, Jamaican to be exact.
B: What’s new? What makes you stand out from everyone else?
K: Other than being lyrically better *laughs*. I’m just myself, and it really shows. I’m authentic in what I say and do. I think a lot of the times people think that you have to be a certain way in order to be respected, but I don’t know how to be anything other than myself! so people are either gonna love it or hate it, but ima do me regardless.
B: What’s your style, musically and fashion-wise?
K: My style musically is Rap/Hip hop; I do have grime tendencies in there *laughs* but I don’t like to pin myself down to doing one thing as my music really does depend on my mood. I have a song called Autobiography that I wrote, it was a “remix” inspired by Nicki Minaj’s Autobiography, and I wrote it as a way to get certain things that I had kept in off my chest and really tell my story. But then I also do songs like my Stormzy Not That Deep Remix which is the total opposite to Autobiography, so my style really does depend on my mood but I am a Rap artist through and through.
Fashion wise, hmm it depends on what I’m doing. If I’m getting ready for a night out with friends then it usually means I’m half naked *laughs* which requires little thought process *laughs*, but day to day its skinny jeans, tight T and fresh trainers.
B: What do you have to say that needs to be heard?
K: Well I think the most important thing that not only needs to be said, but that I will be showing people is that not because your gay means you can’t rap. We as gay people have this stigma built against us, especially in Hip Hop that because we’re gay it’s impossible to make something of ourselves in this field! And one thing about me is that I spit just as good and just as HARD if not HARDER than most if not the majority of straight male rappers out at this time. My bars and flow can hold its weight against the majority of upcoming rappers in the game, and that’s really my goal. To show people, especially the LGBT community that you can be different and stand out from the crowd and still succeed and be great.
B: Where can people hear you perform your music or see you perform?
K: I do have a few performances in the pipelines as I have a project coming out soon that I will be promoting! But for now people can follow my twitter to support me and stay updated which is @karnagekills and also subscribe to my YouTube page @karnagekills to be informed of new music coming out extremely soon!!!
B: What’s next?
K: What’s next is reaching out to the LGBT community and preparing the world for a gay rapper to take over Hip Hop.
B: your 1 word answer: Mogul