BlackOut: Who are you?
My name is Daniel Molyneaux. I’m a singer/songwriter. A gay singer/songwriter!
B: Where are you from?
Daniel: I’m from North London…born and raised baby!
B: So what’s new, Daniel?
D: I’ve just released ‘We’re For Each Other’ my new single. It’s literally coming out today (14th March 2020), so I’ve been focusing on that.
You just have to be yourself fully. Especially if you are not doing anything wrong at all.
B: Wow. Congratulations on the new single. Tell us, how did this track come about?
Thanks, man.
Well, I have been gay my whole life! I started my music career officially at 14 and since then, to me at least, all my love songs were about men, but I wasn’t at a stage to say.
Over the past two years I went through some things which taught me that life is just too short. You just have to be yourself fully. Especially if you are not doing anything wrong at all.
I met a guy – definitely not the first guy I’ve ever entertained in my life might I add – and I fell for him. I then started work on my album. He was on my mind, so I ended up writing a song about him. I decided to just say it all for what it was.

No hiding the fact it’s a man or anything like that. No disguising of the pronoun ‘He’ or anything. And here we are now. With ‘We’re For Each Other’ !
B: What has the response been like?
The response has been really good. I posted the artwork on to my socials and, of course, I received some homophobia but overall people have been really supportive. Even from people in the church! It goes to show me that we are getting better when it comes to the acceptance of homosexuality. Society is definitely going in the right direction! This is what I’m all about!
B: Is Tottenham ready for you?
They’d better be!
Overall, people have been really supportive. Even from people in the church!
B: Have you heard your music being played by others – like in the club?
Yeah I have and it’s always a nice feeling. I like when I find my music putting a smile on people’s faces. And that’s what I wanna do with this second album. And at the same time, to do more; to play my part in healing the world when it comes to homophobia.
That is my life purpose : to normalise the existence of LGBT people in society.
B: Who needs to hear this? Who are you writing your songs for?

I want everyone to hear the message in the music so that homosexuality can ultimately be more of an everyday thing in society that people hear and accept; less of a taboo
In particular I want young people who are LGBTQ+ to hear this song; hear a man singing to another man and know that it is completely normal. If all you’ve known is being attracted to the same gender your whole life, then look to me as someone who has too and who wants you to know how completely normal it is. I want that kid who is being bullied for being ‘too gay’ to hear my songs and know they’re not alone.
B: At the last Black Men Who Brunch, Andy Polaris who had been a pop star in the 80s talked about Sylvester – had you heard their music and their story before?
I had heard the music but surprisingly hadn’t heard their story. My heart definitely warmed to them. I respect anyone who just does their own thing but especially someone to do what Sylvester did in the 70s and 80s? Wow. I know it was nothing like today, in terms of acceptance.
We’ve still got a long way to go but it was a lot worse back then – and I will carry on his work!
B: Are there Black Gay or Bi men who have inspired your musical style?
I do like Frank Ocean’s music. I wouldn’t say he heavily influences my sound, but I just love how he is a bi, black male musician who doesn’t conceal who he is, just like me.
B: What’s the plan for the future?
The plan for the future is to release more singles with videos from the album, do shows and just get the message pumped out there fully.
I want to use my music to educate the world on what it truly means to be gay; it isn’t a ‘lifestyle choice’, as so many people think, nor is it a ‘mental illness’. I’m determined to use my voice in support of LGBTQ+ communities
I want to use my music to educate the world on what it truly means to be gay
B: There’s an album already? Can our readers get hold of it?
Yes there is! The album will be out on the 23rd of March. It’s called ‘FREE’ and will be out on all online platforms.
B: How can people find out more? Can they see you perform live?
People can find out more by staying connected with me on Instagram and Snapchat which is @soundofdaniel. Also at my website
I will most definitely be doing live performances which we are currently negotiating, so look out for that!
Don’t say . . .
‘It’s just a phase’
Do say . . .
We’re For Each Other – OUT NOW
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