Lockdown has been difficult so far. We’ve had to make significant adjustments to our lives in order to stay safe. Adjustments that may have to remain in place for many months to come in some form or other. It looks like nightclubs and music festivals will not be back in operation in 2020 due to physical distancing. Physical distancing does not have to mean social distancing though. This period has reinforced our need for community and encouraged us to find new ways of creating connections.
Its time for Black queer men to join together in these extraordinary times to create an extraordinary event to relieve the boredom of yet another Saturday night in. At the same time, we want to continue to make space for us – creating connections among us as indicators of a widely shared intent to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic stronger together.
On Sat 16th May, BlackOut invites Black bi/gay and/or trans men from across the UK to download, tune in, kick back and party – at home. ‘Get Down On Lockdown’ will be livestreamed from The BlackOut Hub mobile app.
Get Down on Lockdown night is a collaboration between clubs/DJs and BLKOUTUK.COM. It highlights the diversity of the Black queer-led scene, and the special communities we have built around the dancefloor. Its also an opportunity to experience a collective event during a period of social isolation. Put the date in your diary and tell your friends – we can’t go out, but that won’t stop us going innnnn!
Preliminary data on the impact of the coronavirus has already highlighted the greater burden of negative outcomes being borne by minority ethnic communities. While there remains scant reliable research data about the life experiences of Black queer men, we do know that un- and underemployment, weaker networks of support, greater risk of mental ill-health, migration status, and poorer sexual health, combined with facing both overt and hidden racism and homophobia, have led to Black queer men being a vulnerable group – vulnerable both to the particular challenges of this period and beyond.
We also know that we are resourceful, and resilient. By joining together on Sat 16th to party, we are showing that we won’t be defeated by this pandemic – and will continue reaching out in support for each other.
We will be announcing the full line up later this week.
Download The BlackOut HUB to get the full Get Down on Lockdown experience
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