Tag: James Baldwin

  • Long Read: Counted As Warriors?

    50 Years of Gay Pride matched by 50 years of failure among movements for racial justice in the UK to see that none of us are free until we are all free

  • Event: I’m Not Your Negro Preview Screening 19/03

    Event: I’m Not Your Negro Preview Screening 19/03

    We’re massive fans of James Baldwin so are massively excited to announce a special preview screening of new documentary ‘I’m Not Your Negro’ on Sunday 19th March.

  • WATCH: #Speechless Series No.4 ‘No where are you really from?’

    WATCH: #Speechless Series No.4 ‘No where are you really from?’

    The #SpeechlessSeries is a space for BlackoutUK contributors to provoke a conversation that challenges the silence. Here Rob Berkeley wishes that there was an easier answer to the ‘where are you from?’ question. “The writer trapped among a speechless people is in danger of becoming speechless himself. For then he has no mirror, no corroborations of…

  • WATCH: #Speechless Series No.3 My Liberation can Wait?

    WATCH: #Speechless Series No.3 My Liberation can Wait?

    The #SpeechlessSeries is a space for BlackoutUK contributors to provoke a conversation that challenges the silence. Here Rob Berkeley considers the challenge of progressive activism when your own liberation is seen as less important than that of others? “The writer trapped among a speechless people is in danger of becoming speechless himself. For then he…

  • READ: Reggie Yates, Willie and me

    READ: Reggie Yates, Willie and me

    The words of James Baldwin, my greatest literary hero constantly speak to me: Something that irritates you and won’t let you go. That’s the anguish of it. Do this book, or die. You have to go through that. Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words:…

  • Have you read. . .?

    Have you read. . .?

    Each month we share a book that one of us loves. Have you read. . .? What’s it about? Reviews Good Reads The New Yorker New York Review of Books The Guardian/London Review of Books Let us know if you agree. . .

  • WATCH:#Speechless Series No.1 Sex, Masculinity and Racism

    WATCH:#Speechless Series No.1 Sex, Masculinity and Racism

      The #SpeechlessSeries is a space for BlackoutUK contributors to provoke a conversation that challenges the silence. Here Rob Berkeley wonders who to be angrier at, white racists or black people who enable them? “The writer trapped among a speechless people is in danger of becoming speechless himself. For then he has no mirror, no corroborations…