ready for your close up? Join us on Sunday 8th December, to take part in a special photo shoot and workshop as we take our ground-breaking In The Picture research project to the next level.

The research report will be launched in spring 2020. It will enable us to start campaigning to challenge our invisibility to service providers and policymakers everywhere beyond the GUM clinic.
As important to us, is that we take this unique opportunity to see, and understand, each other. While government, and the public services that our taxes contribute to, have a responsibility to respond to our needs, we could be the heroes we’ve been waiting for. A resource for each other; crucial to our collective liberation; collaborators in disruption of the racist and homophobic structures that constrain our potential.
That is why on Sunday 8th we are inviting as many Black gay/bi/trans men who can make it to a studio in Brixton to be the first to hear the headline issues raised in the research fieldwork. We are working with a great photographer to capture photo portraits of some of us, and a videographer tasked to get our responses on film. Not for clicks, or empty attention but to create a step change in the way we engage with public policy; to hold open a space for those who may not yet feel able or ready to be as visible. Images are a powerful way to mark this moment in our becoming – moving beyond a health issue to solve, a colourful curiosity to gawp at, or virtue signal to leverage – visible as fellow travellers, valued contributors to a shared future – as brothers.

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