Read: ParTyboi 101; what is chemsex?



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Chemsex While Black

BlackOut is keen to encourage discussion, and action where necessary, to address the needs of black queer men in all parts of their lives. We are pleased to be hosting the UK Premiere screening of ‘parTyboi: black diamonds in ice castles’  on the 5th April, to start our conversation about chemsex.

Tickets for the screening have now SOLD OUT

@blkoutuk will be tweeting from the event – you can join the conversation online #chemsexwhileblack and catch up on the key facts below –



For further information about the documentary, visit the parTyboi Facebook page:

What is chemsex?

“The term ‘chemsex’ or, to a lesser extent, ‘Party and play’, has entered the vocabulary of certain sections of the gay population is a behaviour that has attracted significant media attention. Chemsex is commonly understood to describe sex between men that occurs under the influence of drugs taken immediately preceding and/ or during the sexual session.

The drugs most commonly associated with chemsex are crystal methamphetamine (hereafter referred to as ‘crystal meth’), GHB/GBL, mephedrone and, to a lesser extent, cocaine and ketamine. All except ketamine, have stimulant properties in that they typically increase heart rate and blood pressure and trigger feelings of euphoria, but crystal methamphetamine, GHB/GBL and mephedrone also have a common effect of facilitating feelings of sexual arousal. These drugs are often taken in combination and are commonly associated with sexual sessions occurring over extended periods of time, sometimes involving large numbers of sexual partners.”

The Chemsex Study Sigma Research, Mar 2014


In the News 

10 question about chemsex you were always afraid to ask! 

The article is based on presentations by Daniela Rojas, David Stuart and Cristiana Oprea at the 15th European AIDS Conference.


The Inside Story of London’s Chemsex Scene

Christine Schierano of VICE has been documenting the world of drug-fuelled sex parties for the past six years.

its a party

Addicted to chemsex: ‘It’s a horror story’

An increasing number of gay men are taking part in multi-day, drug-fuelled orgies – despite the health risks. Paul Flynn reports on a powerful new documentary, and what it says about love and loneliness

What is Chemsex and how worried should we be? 

Men using specific drugs to have sex with other men is on the rise, and there is evidence it’s taking a toll on the gay community.

Chemsex: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Side to Sex and Drugs 

Research suggests that more young people are having sex on drugs than ever before – are we playing a dangerous game?

Help and resources

Chemsex Advice and Support at 56 Dean Street 



Sigma Research South London Chemsex Study (2014)



  1. cambueys avatar

    Really don’t know where to begin,
    Pleased that the topic is here
    As a patron of ‘a al partie’ ‘past’, it is felt fair to argue bgm have to consider lessons in ‘realty stakeholding’ respectively and ones assuming thus ‘a say’ in support regime that funnels one out into the recovered state backdrop years and £s later

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